This page will showcase poems, thoughts, and other offerings from members of CCF.
Where did this month go?
We’ve seen rain, sleet, and yes, even snow.
But have you noticed God’s awesome show?
New life is bursting forth
All a part of God’s plan, of course.
Grass continues to grow
Despite the cold and snow.
Have you ever in April had to mow?
All creatures have come alive.
Birds singing and bears waking for bird feeders and
God’s distraction for our busy lives.
To my wonderful church family back home,
Thank you all for letting me know I'm not alone.
It's tough times for many of us right now,
Sometimes we ask and pray: Dear Lord, how?
Through struggles many, and the light sometimes hard to see,
You, my church family, showed love to someone like me!
Dear Lord --- What do I say
To my amazing church family on this day?
I guess the best I can do,
Is do my best through God for each of you!
Thank you my dear friends for the love and support you've shown,
You all kept the candle lit, and helped me find my way home.